Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Report from the Appalachian Trail

OK, we are not aboard the Charlotte D at this time. Sorry if you came here to read about cruising in the Caribbean.

Instead, we are CLODs (Cruisers Living on Dirt) now that the Charlotte D is laid up for the approaching hurricane season. And, we are gradually making our way back to Nova Scotia.

We report here on a few days in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia.

The focus of these few days was hiking on the Appalachian Trail.

Click on the video below to relish the South River Falls.

This is late spring/early summer here in the mountains.


The earliest wildflowers are in profusion.

Snakes are making their first forays to sun-warmed rocks.

Bear are active.

The trail huts of the Appalachian Trail are scenic, and surely welcome on a rainy night. 

However, the log book entries of hikers in transit tell the story of the discomforts and limitations of hut living. Imagine such tight overnight quarters with 5 or 6 fellow hikers sans showers for a week or more.

The rustic cabins (below) of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) are far more luxurious.

We enjoyed several day hikes along segments of the AT, and, being softies, spent evenings on mattresses in fully-equipped cabins.

We certainly agree with John Muir!

Peter and Catherine, CLODs

1 comment:

Windermere said...

Love your blog and your pictures!
Are you having fun or what?
We are now Clod's too, back in Port Ludlow. Jack and Judy (Chinook)